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We want to welcome you to Transforming Life Christian Fellowship--or TLC as we fondly refer to ourselves! We're glad you decided to check out our website. We invite you to take a look around and then join us at the place "where you won't be judged, but will be unconditionally loved." At TLC you arrive as a guest, but you leave as family!


We look forward to having you worship, celebrate, and praise God with us! TLC offers powerful preaching, dynamic praise & worship, Bible-based teaching, and warm and inviting fellowship for transformational discipleship! We hope you'll join us, and bring your family and friends, for a little TLC!


TLC . . . At-A-Glance


Who we are…
Transforming Life Christian Fellowship is a spirit-filled, interdenominational body of believers! We welcome persons looking to experience the joy of a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. We accept, support, and respect persons from all Christian denominations as well as those with no previous denominational affiliation.

What to expect?
It is our intent that TLC Fellowship will offer a relevant, unique, power-filled, and interactive experience for you! Our worship celebrations are filled with dynamic preaching and teaching, uplifting music, warm and loving fellowship, along with opportunities to use your gifts in service to God and others. Once you share in the TLC Fellowship experience, we hope you will find something with which you can connect. Our worship celebrations are at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. Our Bible Study meets each Wednesday at 7:00 pm.

What to wear?
At TLC Fellowship, we’re a pretty laid-back bunch!! Dress in a manner that’s comfortable for you--and shows respect for a place of faith. If that means a suit & tie or pumps & pearls—do your thing! If you’re more comfortable in jeans & T-shirts with sandals or boots, that’s cool too! We promise that you’ll see diversity in both attire and attendees—so you won’t feel uncomfortable—regardless of how you dress!

What we offer Children and Youth?
Here at TLC Fellowship, we understand the importance of a dynamic and vibrant Youth ministry. We are working to build a ministry that will disciple youth in their spiritual growth and prepare them for the real world. We believe in keeping our youth engaged through an exciting, enriching, and fun TLC Fellowship experience.

our pastors:
Tyrone D. Gordon

Senior Pastor Tyrone D. Gordon (fondly referred to as “Pastor G”) is the spirit-led, spirit-filled Founder and Senior Pastor of TLC Fellowship. Since we opened our doors in March 2012, Pastor G has led us through a multitude of highs and lows -- always trusting in our God to show us His way. 

Pastor Derrick Ray Wright

Assistant Pastor

Pastor Derrick Ray Wright is the Assistant Pastor at TLC Fellowship, where he leads Vacation Bible School, teaches a Sunday morning Bible study class, and delivers rousing sermons from the pulpit throughout the year. A native of Ft. Worth, Pastor Wright answered the call to ministry in 1982 and has served as student pastor, youth pastor, young adult pastor, senior pastor and UMC district superintendent throughout his four-decade career. 

Minister Deborah Valrie

Ministerial Team

Minister Deborah Valrie is a gift to TLC! She is always willing to do whatever is needed to enhance the worship aesthetics and atmosphere. She can see things with her talented eye and dream how it should be and will go out of her way and out of her own pocket to make it happen. Because of her, we can say, “Strength and beauty are in thy sanctuary!”

Minster Sherry Flewellen-Ervin

Women of Purpose Ministry

Bible Study

A passionate speaker, Minister Sherry challenges our TLC family as she leads us into a deeper understanding of God's Word. Under her leadership, Minister Sherry oversees the Women of Purpose Ministry, which focuses on empowering women to live up to their God-given purpose and fulfill the destiny that God has set forth for their lives. She also leads our Monday night Bible study.

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